Concord, NH [8-1-18] - Today, Governor Chris Sununu, Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) CEO Barbara Stewart, and Executive Director of Volunteer NH Gretchen Berger released the following statements after they announced that New Hampshire has received the highest amount of AmeriCorps funding in New Hampshire history, $4.2 million.
"Giving back to your local community, and a deep sense of service are an essential part of what it means to be a Granite Stater," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Whether combatting the opioid crisis or helping students graduate or preserving our public lands, AmeriCorps members are making New Hampshire a safer, stronger, and healthier place to live, and we are grateful for their service."
"AmeriCorps is America at its best - people putting compassion into action," said Barbara Stewart, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, who joined the Governor in a roundtable discussion with AmeriCorps members before making the announcement at the State House. "I congratulate these organizations for their successful applications and thank New Hampshire's AmeriCorps members for answering the call to serve and giving back to your country."
Part of the $4.2 million in CNCS funding consists of $2.8 million in AmeriCorps grants to Volunteer NH to support 12 New Hampshire organizations through eight operational grants and four planning grants.
"Building on our state's strong tradition of neighbor helping neighbor, AmeriCorps members will change lives, improve communities, and build a stronger, New Hampshire," said Gretchen Berger, Executive Director of Volunteer NH. "While they serve others, AmeriCorps members will also create opportunities for themselves - gaining skills and experience to jumpstart their careers.
AmeriCorps' unique public-private partnership model means that the grants announced today will leverage an additional $3.8 million from the private sector, foundations, and other sources to increase community impact and the return on the federal investment.
In addition to the grant funding, CNCS will provide up to $1.4 million in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards for the AmeriCorps members who complete their service in these programs. After completing a full term of service, AmeriCorps members receive an award of approximately $6,000 that they can use to pay for college or to pay off student loans.
► Programs Receiving Funding

Posted 8/6/18