Newfound Valley Airport (Grafton County)
152 Pleasant Street
Bristol, NH 03222
Phone: 603-744-8334
Runways: 03-21 Left Pattern
Dimensions: 1900 x 40 ft. / 579 x 12 m
Surface: asphalt, in good condition
More Info: AirNav
Newfound Valley Airport is one of the smallest in the state, covering only 15 acres. It's so small, in fact, that your Internet search engine map feature might have trouble locating it. It enjoys proximately to downtown
Bristol, only about a mile away.
Tie-downs are available. There is no fuel service available.
The beauty of Newfound Lake will be apparent to air travelers.
Wellington State Park, numerous beaches and hiking trails are nearby.
Nearby restaurants include the Bristol House of Pizza, Gilly's Breakfast and Lunch, and Cheerful Garden. Downtown
Bristol offers several bed and breakfasts and more dining choices. Car rentals are available from Enterprise, 603-536-1080.
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