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NH Health Watch Articles
Last UpDate 5-28-16
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Arsenic And Babies.
FDA Proposes Limit for Inorganic Arsenic in Infant Rice Cereal.
Vaginal Ring Provides Partial HIV Protection.
NIH-funded study finds protective effect strongest in women over age 25.
NIH Cautions of a Link between Hypertension and Brain Health.
Mind Your Risks raises awareness of the link between high blood pressure and cognitive impairment.
HHS and USDA Release New Dietary Guidelines.
New dietary guidelines encourage healthy eating patterns to prevent chronic diseases.
Cancer Drug Target Visualized at Atomic Resolution.
New study using cryo-electron microscopy shows how potential drugs could inhibit cancer.
Send an E-Card For Health
The NIA hopes you'll reach out and touch someone!
New Phone App Screens for Childhood Autism.
Might also reveal signs of PTSD and mild traumatic brain injury.
NIH Funds Robot Development.
Seeks to improve health & quality of life.
Scientists Identify Brain Repair Protein.
Research pinpoints protein that sprouts into action, activating stroke repair.
US Stillbirth Rates Unchanged.
Move to discourage elective deliveries before 39 weeks does not appear to have increased US stillbirths, according to a study.
Obesity May Be Caused By Single Gene Variation.
Variation in the BDNF gene may affect brain's regulation of appetite, study suggests.
HIV drug linked to newborn babies' lower bone mass.
NIH study finds mothers' use of tenofovir tied to lower bone mineral content in babies.
Help prevent backpack-related injuries.
What parents need to know.
New alliance to accelerate antibiotic development.
HHS Partnership stimulates pipeline of drugs to treat multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.
New online clinical trial application portal launched.
Patients who suffer from conditions that even skilled physicians have been unable to diagnose despite extensive clinical investigation can now apply to virtually all domestic clinical studies at one time.
Intensive blood pressure management recommended.
Lower blood pressure target greatly reduces cardiovascular complications and deaths in older adults.
Farm to School Grants help kids & farmers.
New USDA report says Farm to School Grants have likely helped 6.9 million kids eat more healthy food at school & create new markets for farmers.
NIH awards nearly $35 million to research natural products.
Five research centers will focus on the safety of natural products, on how they work within the body, and on the development of cutting-edge research technologies.
NIH study finds calorie restriction lowers some risk factors for age-related diseases.
Two-year trial did not produce expected metabolic changes, but influenced other life span markers.
NH's Heroin Epidemic.
Here's what YOU can do for someone you love who is at risk.
Short bouts of activity may offset lack of sustained exercise in kids.
NIH study finds interrupting sitting with short walks lowers blood sugar, insulin and blood fats.
Low-level arsenic exposure associated with early puberty & adult obesity.
Female mice exposed in the womb to low levels of arsenic through drinking water displayed signs of early puberty and became obese as adults.
Tell-tale biomarker detects early breast cancer in new study.
Researchers have shown that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can detect the earliest signs of breast cancer recurrence and fast-growing tumors.
Scientists have uncovered a nuclear process in the brain that may affect disease.
A new study highlights the possible role of glial brain cells in neurological disorders.
Study: Teens using e-cigarettes may be more likely to start smoking tobacco.
A new NIH-funded study shows possible link between e-cigarettes and initiation of tobacco use.
Uveitis Research: Bacteria in gut may instruct immune cells to attack the eye.
NIH scientists propose a novel mechanism to explain autoimmune uveitis.
Futuristic Brain Probe Allows for Wireless Control of Neurons.
NIH-funded scientists have developed an ultra-thin, minimally invasive device for controlling brain cells with drugs and light.
Study Shows Promise of Precision Medicine for Most Common Type of Lymphoma.
A clinical trial has shown that patients with a specific molecular subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) are more likely to respond to the drug ibrutinib (Imbruvica) than others.
NIH Study Identifies Gene Variant Linked to Compulsive Drinking.
Carrying a gene variant that affects the release of a specific brain protein may put one at greater risk of developing an alcohol use disorder, according to the results of a recent animal study.
New HHS Prevention Program Reduces Falls Among Older People.
Families and physicians have a new tool in the fight against falls - a comprehensive prevention program developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that reduces both falls and resulting use of long-term care such as nursing homes.
Keeping Food Safe In The Summer.
Warmer temperatures call for extra attention to food safety when cooking and eating outdoors. Tips from the USDA.
Study Defines Brain and Behavioral Effects of Teen Binge Drinking
Bindge drinking juvenile rats showed increased anxiety-like behaviors and drank more alcohol in adulthood.
Saracatinib May Help Alzheimer's Patients
Scientists have found that the drug, saracatinib, restores memory loss and reverses brain problems in mouse models of Alzheimer's.
Health Observations Around The Web |
Secretaries, Truckers & Cops At Risk
Eating Well, Staying Fit A Challenge.
Certain jobs are hazardous to your heart health, U.S. Public Health Service study finds.
Kids Copy Parents Health Habits
Who Knew?
Study found that when a caregiver was obese or had a heart risk factor, children often followed suit.
Expensive Helmets No Better
No Extra Protection Says Report.
Lab test ratings also a poor guide to whether helmet can shield high school players, researchers say.
Healthier Arteries Thwart Dementia
May Lower Old Age Risk.
Preventing calcium buildup might thwart mental decline in your 80s and beyond, study finds.
Global Warming May Kill 500K
Food Production At Risk.
Climate-related changes in food production could lead to 500,000 deaths in 2050.
Aspirin Reduces Cancer Risk
Baby Aspirin Reduces Risk 3%.
The effect was seen most strongly with colon, gastrointestinal tumors, researchers report.
ADHD Meds & Bone Density
Use Tied to Lower Scores.
One-quarter of children in study had lower-than-normal readings, but reasons aren't clear.
Monkeys Move Robotic Wheelchairs
Controlled By Thoughts Alone.
Scientists say technology might one day help severely disabled people who have lost muscle control, mobility.
Poor Sleep & Cholesterol
No Link Established.
Sleepless nights don't appear to be linked to an increase in cholesterol levels, a new study indicates.
Induced Labor & C-Section Risk
No Additional Risk Seen
Study also found that prompting delivery in 39th week did not affect health of baby or mother.
Unintended Pregnancies Fall
Steep Decline Seen
Falloff may be attributed to growing IUD use.
Smartphone App Often Wrong
Not Ideal For Blood-Pressure
Measurements were off 4 out of 5 times when popular mobile application was tested.
Ovarian Cancer Re-examined
More Than One Disease
Better understanding needed to improve prevention, detection, treatment, U.S. panel notes.
Multiple Moles & Risk for Cancer
Frequency & Risk Questioned
Research suggests people with many of the blemishes not necessarily at higher risk for the cancer.
Low Vitamin D & Prostate Cancer
Level May Predict Aggressiveness
Low vitamin D levels may signal a more aggressive prostate cancer.
Feel Fuller, Sooner
Protein Is The Answer.
Protein-heavy meals make you feel fuller, sooner, says new Purdue University study.
Happy Heart Syndrome
Postmenopausal Women Most At Risk.
On rare occasions, a very joyful event might harm your heart, a new study suggests.
Secretaries, Truckers & Cops At Risk
Eating Well, Staying Fit A Challenge.
Certain jobs hazardous to your heart health, U.S. Public Health Service study finds.
Kids Copy Parents Health Habits
Who Knew?
Study found that when a caregiver was obese or had a heart risk factor, children often followed suit.
Expensive Helmets No Better
No Extra Protection Says Report.
Lab test ratings also a poor guide to whether helmet can shield high school players, researchers say.
Healthier Arteries Thwart Dementia
May Lower Old Age Risk.
Preventing calcium buildup might thwart mental decline in your 80s and beyond, study finds.
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