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NH Health Watch Articles
Last UpDate 5-16-16
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New Research Helps In Fight Against Brain Cancer
A National Institute of Health funded project suggests new novel way to improve vaccine efficacy in brain tumors.
Vets lost a LOT of weight. You can too!
New national weight management program from the US Veterans Health Administration helps anyone lose weight & keep it off.
Stillbirth May Increase Women's Long Term Risk for Depression
NIH-funded network study finds risk even for women with no history of depression.
Iron Supplements Shorten Recovery After Blood Donations
NHLBI study shows iron supplementation after blood donation shortens hemoglobin recovery time.
National Institute on Drug Abuse offers new 12 Question Online Drug Abuse Quiz
Fact or Fiction: Take this Quiz and Learn More about Drug Abuse.
NIH Study Reveals Many Americans At Risk for Alcohol-Medication Interactions
Nearly 42 percent of U.S. adults who drink also report using medications known to interact with alcohol, based on a study from the National Institutes of Health released today.
Tragic Deaths Highlight the Dangers of Powdered Pure Caffeine
After losing their children, Katie and Dennis Stiner, and Julie and James Sweatt, went to the FDA in hopes of sparing other families this terrible loss.
Avoid Colds & the Flu This Winter
When the weather gets colder, we head indoors, spending more time in close proximity to others. Here's some common sense, medically proven ways to protect yourself.
Youth Drug Use Trends: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Teen prescription opioid abuse, cigarette, and alcohol use trends down, but states with legalized marijuana see rates soar.
Laser Toy Safety: Laser Toys Are Not Always Child's Play
Eye injuries caused by laser light may go unnoticed, for days and even weeks, and could be permanent. Tips for keeping your child safe from laser toys.
Older Adults & Hypothermia
Frigid weather can pose special risks to older adults. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) has some advice for helping older people avoid hypothermia during cold weather.
Obesity Shortens Lives
NIH study finds extreme obesity may shorten life expectancy up to 14 years.
New Help for Infertile Women
NIH-funded study shows letrozole more effective than current treatment
Age-Related Vision Loss
NIH-funded study discovers rehabilitation helps prevent depression from age-related vision loss.
Do Bedroom Televisions Contribute to Youth Obesity?
A Dartmouth study suggests removing TVs from a children's bedrooms could help prevent excessive weight gain.
Phthalates in Males Linked to Fertility Delays
Women whose male partners have high concentrations of three common forms of phthalates, used in 100's of consumer products, take longer to become pregnant says the NIH.
10 Tips To Help Kids Eat Better
Fun & practical resources to help busy families (read: children and teens) learn to eat better.
Aging Kidneys at Risk
NIH urges older Americans to protect their kidneys. High blood pressure, diabetes, use of medications and age can all be risk factors.
NIH study: Research-based strategies help reduce underage drinking
A report of their findings appears in the January issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
American Adults are Choosing Healthier Foods, Consuming Healthier Diets
USDA research shows improvements in diet quality between 2005 and 2010.
New Report Warns of 5.6 Million Premature Deaths
Surgeon General report says 5.6 million children will die prematurely unless smoking rates drop.
Temporary Tattoos May Put You at Risk
Summer activities, showing more flesh, often lead to temporary tattoos, but some people have adverse reactions necessitating medical attention. Here's how to protect yourself.
FDA Cautions Against Salt In US Diets
Offers tips to Consumers to help reduce sodium intake.
Hyperthermia and Older Adults
NIH provides advice on heat-related illness for older adults.
Why Women Are Choosing to Labor At Home
NH home births are on the rise. Find out why women are choosing to forego traditional hospital deliveries and medical interventions.
Family Health Sites
Sites North Country families should know for better health.
Health Observations Around The Web |
Java Lowers MS Risk
Heavy Consumption Offers Protection.
But the finding isn't reason enough to up your coffee intake, experts say.
Breast Cancer Survivors Beware
Worry Affects Quality of Life.
Women often overestimate odds that early breast cancer will return or spread.
Avoid Senior Memory Problems
Using Computers May Help.
Computer use may help deflect seniors' memory problems. But, experts note that the study can't prove cause-and-effect.
Hospital Stride Against Superbugs
700,000 Still Affectedfected.
More than 700,000 U.S. patients are infected by bacteria in hospitals, and 75,000 die from hospital-acquired infections each year.
Using Peroxide with Contact Lens?
To Avoid Injury, Follow All Instructions.
If you wear contact lenses, the way you clean them can affect your vision and health.
Teen Violence Linked to PTSD
Cyberbullying & Violence Both Linked.
Researcher says post-traumatic stress is underreported and undertreated in this age group.
First US Uterus Transplant
Cleveland Clinic Makes History.
Experimental procedure offers women without a womb the possibility of pregnancy.
Parents Downplay Flu Shot Value
Confusion Tied to Low Immunizations.
Only about half of American parents took their kids to get flu shots this season.
Family Leave Lowers Child Abuse
Paid Leave Tied to Decline.
Paid family leave might lead to reduced risk of abuse-related head injuries in young children, according to a new study.
Early Teen Pot Use May Alter Brain
Pre-16 Use Affects MRIs.
Young teens users may show striking differences from later starters, a new study reports
Zika Found in 9 US Pregnancies
Outcomes Often Severe: CDC
Four cases ended in either miscarriage or abortion, one involved severe birth defect.
Maternial Obesity & Autism
Diabetes & Obesity Increase Risk
Study links diabetes, obesity in moms-to-be to higher autism risk in offspring.
Anorexia Mortality Risks
Study Confirms Deadly Toll
Those with anorexia 5 times more at risk of early death; bulimia also increases the risk, researchers say.
HIV Drug Resistance Growing
Resistance to tenofovir increasing.
Resistance to HIV drug growing, study finds.
Lead Risk From Cosmetic Clay
Chronic suffers experience hope.
Liver disease affects some 3 million Americans.
Lead Risk From Cosmetic Clay
Bentonite Me Baby Scrutinized.
FDA warns of lead poisoning risk from cosmetic clay.
Zepatier Approved for Hepatitis C
Chronic suffers experience hope.
Liver disease affects some 3 million Americans.
Teen Tanning & Melanoma
Melanoma Strikes Earlier.
Findings support ban on tanning beds, researcher says.
Seniors & Cold Weather
Extra Precautions Required.
U.S. National Institute on Aging warns about hypothermia.
MS Drug & Brain Virus Risks
Tysabri (natalizumab) increases risks.
Patients taking Tysabri were more prone to show signs of exposure to JCV, which can cause a brain disease.
New Kidney Drug Cuts Risk
New Transplant Drug Developed.
Belatacept showed long-term benefits cut risk of earlier death over older immune-suppressing drug, but costs more.
Brain Protein Studied
May Assist in Alzheimer's Treatment.
High levels of BDNF appear to slow mental decline, researchers say.
Antidepressants Reexamined
Study Data Appears Insufficient.
Antidepressants appear to be much more dangerous for children and teens than previously reported.
Schizophrenia Clues Found
Gene Variant Responsible.
Analysis found gene variant prompts too much 'pruning' in brain during teen years.
HIV Lasts Past Treatment
May Be Hiding in Lymphoid Tissue.
Scientists find virus replicates in lymphoid tissue and see a possible target for a cure.
Help For Type 1 Diabetics
New Transplant Technique Developed.
Mouse study showed that putting insulin-producing cells in capsules protected the rodents from immune system.
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