Preventing Teen Dating Violence
Strategies, advice & resources from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention..
(NH Teens)
Should Your Family Go Organic?
USDA tests show 99 percent of apple samples, 98 percent of peaches, and 97 percent of nectarines tested positive for at least one pesticide residue. We offer Organic Considerations 101.
(NH Lifestyles)
4-H in the North Country
"To make the best better", and "Learn by doing" - these are the motto and slogan, respectively, for 4-H, a nationwide youth organization run by the United States Department of Agriculture.
(NH Teens)
Teen Attitudes Toward Marijuana Soften
The percentage of high-schoolers who see great risk from being regular marijuana users has dropped dramatically in the past 10 years, according to this year's survey.
(NH Lifestyles)
Distracted Drivers
At greatest risk are newly licensed teen drivers, who are substantially more likely than adults to be involved in a crash or near miss while multitasking according to researchers.
(NH Lifestyles)
Jr. ROTC in the North Country
A citizenship (commingled with physical fitness & mental acuity) program offered to high-schoolers by the United States Army.
(NH Teens)
Creating The Perfect Care Package
Parents and family members always want to send their students something while they're away at school but
a lot of people don't know what to send. Get five helpful tips on what college students really want!
(NH Lifestyles)