CONCORD, N.H. -- Save the date! Saturday, April 19, is the 25th annual Discover WILD New Hampshire Day, an Earth Day celebration that makes a great spring outing for the whole family.

Admission is free. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the grounds of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department at 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, N.H., are transformed into an exciting outdoor festival featuring exhibits from environmental and conservation organizations from throughout the state.
See live animals, big fish and trained falcons. Try your hand at archery, casting, fly-tying and B-B gun shooting. There will be plenty of hands-on crafts for the younger kids, too. Explore new trends in recycling, environmental protection and energy-efficient hybrid vehicles. Everyone is a conservation partner in New Hampshire - come discover how you can get involved! Watch for more details at
Discover WILD New Hampshire Day is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
All Images Courtesy of NH Fish and Game